Saturday, May 14, 2011

sunny easter and my air con was fixed and i saw statues

ok, never mind with that cheesy title.. lol.. and yes last easter i got my air conditioner fixed and i saw statues displayed at GI mall... quite entertaining... =)

i decided to do something a bit different with my scarf :D

and I was pretending to be a flight attendant :P if only I am 5' 5" LOL

my outfit: hat - Bershka, scarf - Zara, necklace - Forever 21, shirt - Bershka, blazer - Zara, trouser - Zara, wedges - Pedder Red

my all time favorite wedges.. too bad, it is broken now.. :( need to repair it I guess..

and yes, another addition to my shoes.. I think its called loafers or so? from Marks & Spencer

meanwhile, I posted three pictures from all of the statues exhibition that I saw at GI... these are just some of those cool statues they showed us.. ;)

above is called Borobudur legend by Nyoman Nuarta

Ranting Kasih (Love's branch) by Wind Wilaksono

and this one, me favored it cause it was so represents Jakarta.. called Arrive on time by Inge Rianto Kotjo

and yeah, bear me with lazy updates..;) God bless you all..

and J, I miss you terribly...:(

1 comment:

Dell Ledermann said...

I love your outfit! Good thing you got your A/C fixed. When my A/C is broken and it's a hot day, I do the next best thing: go to the mall, LOL.