Saturday, January 31, 2009

Miss Xtila is bored

bored? YEP!

yesterday, another cancelation for my class. damn!


anyway, as you've seen from my prev. post that Sarah Brightman is gonna held a concert in Indonesia on March 10 2009. guess the pricing!

750.000 ?


1.500.000 ?


3.000.000 ?'re too low!

5.000.000 ?


5.000.000 is the cheapest ticket for her show! unbelievable!

and it's very far back seat! can you imagine?

some of the members on Sarah's forum decided to pass. there's no way they're gonna come if the prices are like that!



5.000.000 ?

I know it's intimate concert seating and theater staging but still..I have to use my whole 'hungbao' money then..

another price.. 7.500.000.. that's the expensive one.. nope, I couldn't afford that..way over beyond my expectation.. I'd rather buy a BlackBerry Bold then for that price! seriously!

Oh am I gonna explain my parents especially my Dad about this stuff?

Lord Jesus..I need a miracle from you! I want this so badly!

ps: I don't know about the backstage prices that Sarah's management offers. I bet it is another 'sky high'..:(

Tuesday, January 27, 2009



Hi everyone,
We are pleased to announce that South-East Asian fans will soon have a chance to catch Sarah in concert in Malaysia and Indonesia. These two performances will feature an intimate concertsetting, with theater staging.

MALAYSIA: Tickets go on sale Jan 30 at +603 77115000Mar 07 Kuala Lumpur / KL Convention Center's Plenary Hall

INDONESIA: Tickets go on sale Jan 27Mar 10 Jakarta / Grand Melia Hotel Ballroom

(featuring a pre-show backstage tour andpost-show meet-n-greet with Sarah) will be available for both shows.For more information, please visit:
Dates for other countries will be announced in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

Regards,Fan Relations Manager



Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lunar New Year 2560

Before I'm late, I just want to say:

Gong Xi Fa Cai. Xin Nian Quai Le. Wan Shi Ru Yi. Zhu Li Meng En!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Emporium Pluit


A: Lobby utama Emporium Pluit Mall. designnya mirip dengan Senayan City. maklum, developernya sama sih..hehe :)
B: Escalator to 3rd Floor. ambilnya dari jauh habis satpam banyak
C: Food Empire aka Food Courtnya Empo. udah lumayan banyak sih yang beroperasi.
D: masih di area Food Court, ini tempat khusus buat Live Music gitu.

Conclusion: mall ini ada potensi besar untuk bisa rame kalo sudah penuh. yang disayangkan itu Carrefournya. letaknya dibawah banget udah gitu, instead of escalatornya di satu tempat, kita harus turun lagi dgn eskalator berbeda. kesannya kok jadi malah mirip Carrefour di tempat2 macam Duta Merlin atau Mangga Dua Square. ya sudah lah.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

waitin for delivery

Lagi nunggu ini nih dari Amazon...

i just can't wait to hold this baby into my arm! and my Mom of course...=)
February 18, such a long wait! (oh wait, it's because i'm choosing standard shipping :P)
PS: standard shipping aja biaya kirimnya udah $8.50..apalagi yg fast shipping..beuh, bisa2 malah bayar pajak nanti saya..hahaha T.T

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Crazy Monday: 15 minutes shopping spree!

Phew..kemarin ini..jgn tanya d..i was supposed to sleep on my bed perfectly till 10am tapi ya yg namanya Lasalle..u know class 'hear hear'..! jadi berangkatlah daku ke Lasalle (dgn pakaian super duper rapi bersih wangi) jam 8.40 AM..muahahahaha..pdhl kelas mulai jam 9.00AM tp ya mbok lg males2nya gtu yaudah deh..nyampe Lasalle jam 9.20AM..wakwakwak..udh kyk org kebingungan pikir2 apa tlt gak yah..trnyt msh blum mulai..hihihi..thank God!!! tnyt cuma ngitung2 stock barang yg really2 complicated bok! kl gk hati2 ngitungnya bs salah banget! trust me, Fashion Merchandising is HARD! glamour hell yeah tp worknya itu hell no!

ok2..back 2 reality ppl..sehabis kls slese..cabut plg krmh..hv lunch trs y pegi lg ke TA brg nykp krn mo bantu2 cici gw dgn baju2 barunya...hehe..trs ngeliatin customer nci2 bli baju smp 14JT..hahaha..dia sih main cap ambil2 aja eh bgt digesek CCnya..alamak..lgsg kaget
tinggal ketawa2 aj di sofa smbl bc mjlh..hehehe..

trs di TA..hmm..ya gtu d..ngeliat2 sbntr di Zara eh malah shopping d aku..:P

1st pic: grey turtleneck knitwear..lumayan d akhirnya ada variasi warna jg turtleneck ku..not bad lah..sktr 189ribu stlh diskon..hehe.. 2nd pic: black loose vest w. no button..ini nih, barang yg aku udh incer2 dr dlu..gk prnh dapet eh tnp disengaja kmrn dapet..lumayan lah..agk mahal dikit sih..369ribu tapi ya drpd nyesel gak ada..lbh baik ambil..ya ngak?? lol
3rd pic: black belt...sekedar beli utk variasi aja hbs beltku gk bnyk..jrg bgt beli belt soalnya tkt ntr mlh mubazir gtu..ya secara kmrn nyokap blg 'udh beli aja,ini simpel tp bagus'..ya beli deh dgn hrg 189ribu..hahaha

total shopping itu: sekitar 780ribuan...muahahaha...dan dgn entengnya aku bilang ke mama: 'tenang aja, bayar pake CC aku dong *baca=creditcard* kan aku jrg shopping2..lagian next week udh Sincia ini..HAHAHA...
lgsg d Mom ketawa-wi..:P

Trus..sblm balik home..kt mkn2 dlu d di foodcourtna TA..langganan aku n Mom neh..Bakmi Kangkung si Jangkung (sounds bit familiar?!?) sama Siomay..hehehe..enak loh..nyam nyam!!

kali mendadak selama 15 menit ala saya telah selesai utk bln January..see you next month!!

PS: kayaknya daku hrs buka artikel '15 minutes shopping spree' beneran nih! asli..this has been the best experience of my life! =)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

For Couples Out There...

I just found a very nice yet useful article about relationship from Yahoo!..well, it seems that its indeed USEFUL!!! :)

Five Things Super-Happy Couples Do Every Day

Lord knows this is not the sort of thing guys brag about. But I have a ridiculously happy relationship with my significant other. Really, it's almost disgusting.
We paw each other in public. We goof around like a pair of simpletons. We basically act like giddy newlyweds. Sometimes we'll do something so revolting, like sitting on the couch and drawing smiley faces on the bottoms of each other's feet, that we're forced to make gagging noises to maintain our dignity.
See, I told you it was disgusting.
It hasn't always been this way. In fact, I'm not ashamed to admit that our current bliss is the result of almost a year of counseling, a desperate effort undertaken several years ago, when we appeared destined for doom. What we learned then is something all happy couples eventually discover: A good relationship is a bit like a pet boa constrictor: either you feed it every day or bad things happen. Daily habits are extremely helpful in forging solid bonds, says couples therapist Tina Tessina, author of "How to Be a Couple and Still Be Free." "If you're really interested in making your relationship work, little rituals are a great way to do it."
We asked happy couples across the United States to tell us about relationship-strengthening solutions they've developed. Try your hand at incorporating a few into your daily life and maybe you can be as ridiculously, embarrassingly, revoltingly happy in relationship as I am.

Daily Habit #1: Talk to Each Other
Happily married couples typically say their relationships work better when they can sit down and gab one-on-one, like thinking, feeling adults. But who's got time for that? Actually, anybody who sleeps at night, if you follow the lead of Julie and Thom and their nightly visits to their "igloo."
"It all started one winter night years ago, when Julie had had a really bad day," says Thom, 33, a marketing director in Columbus, Ohio. "We were huddled under the covers of our bed, and Julie was describing how all the people who made her day miserable were 'bad polar bears' and how she didn't want any of the bad polar bears coming into the bedroom and how the bed was our refuge from them. You realize how embarrassing it is to admit this, right? Anyway, that's when we started calling the bed the igloo."
"The igloo is a place to retreat to," says Julie, 31. "It's our little sanctuary; only nice things happen in the igloo."
Eventually Julie and Thom began holding a powwow in the igloo at the end of every day, making a nightly excursion that Julie says has become a vital part of their five-year relationship.
"It's funny, because I always thought that when you lived with somebody, you'd automatically know everything that was going on," she says. "But we find that if we don't take that time to connect with each other, it's really easy for life to get in the way. The igloo offers one of the few times in the day where there's not a whole heck of a lot else going on, so you're able to focus on each other in a deeper way."
Daily Habit #2: Flirt
Most couples realize that getting intimate every night isn't possible, let alone a worthy goal. Indeed, a 1994 University of Chicago survey of Americans' physical intimacy habits found that only about a third of adults have physical intimacy more than once a week.
That doesn't mean, though, that you can't at least talk sensually every day, and that's the approach that Ed and Stephanie have taken in the more than six years they've been together.
"It's funny," says Ed, a 33-year-old San Francisco cab driver, "because we know plenty of couples who fight, a lot, about how often they have physical intimacy. The wife's upset because all he ever wants to do is get intimate. But this has never really been a problem with us, and I think it has a lot do with the fact that we're always talking sensually to each other."
"Absolutely," says Stephanie, a 32-year-old massage therapist. "We're always complimenting each other, tossing out fantasies, telling each other we're appealing. He gets to feel like he can have sensual feelings, and I feel like I don't have to have physical intimacy all the time to appear attractive.
Let's put it this way: The way I see it, physical intimacy is like chocolate cake. After five days of eating chocolate cake, even chocolate cake doesn't taste that great."
"Right," Ed says, "but after five days of talking about chocolate cake, that cake tastes really good."
Daily Habit #3: Get Stupid Together
Bob and Angie are ashamed to admit that the daily ritual that brings such joy to their 12-year marriage is none other than reality TV. That's right. They lived and died with "Survivor." They've adopted "Big Brother." "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" They do.
"Honestly, I think we just need to be dumb for a while," says Bob, 37, a shoe designer for Reebok in Boston. "We're both very into our careers. And when you're at work, with any job there's going to be a certain amount of professional stress. You like to come home sometimes and, for that lousy hour or whatever, kick back and relax."
Or as Angie, 36, a marketing executive, says, "Life is serious enough, isn't it? Sometimes you need to do something stupid. And if you can't be stupid with your husband, who can you be stupid with?"
Daily Habit #4: Declare Your Independence
So hold on, then: Is domestic joy found in partners smothering each other in obsessive daily rituals?
Hardly. In fact, Tessina says that sleepwalking through a series of hollow routines (although probably an apt description of your day job) is worse for your relationship than having no routines at all. The solution, she says, is to also make a daily habit of getting away from each other.
The point, naturally, is not to make space for each other in that I-can't-wait-to-get-away-from-you sort of way but to pursue your own hobbies and interests. It's a distinction that Joe tried hard to make to Lori during their delicate pre-engagement negotiations four years ago.
These days, Lori and Joe are practically poster children for the power of independence. Joe, who works for a nonprofit agency, spends his nights taking painting classes, building youth centers, and recording his guitar sessions. Lori, a college professor, spends hers directing community-theater musicals and indulging in trashy movies on cable television, a passion that Joe (go figure) doesn't seem to share.
"It all brings a freshness to our relationship because we both continue to grow as people," Joe says.
Daily Habit #5: Share a Spiritual Moment
In another University of Chicago survey, this one of married couples, 75 percent of the Americans who pray with their spouses reported that their marriages are "very happy" (compared to 57 percent of those who don't). Those who pray together are also more likely to say they respect each other and discuss their relationship together.
Not to say that prayer is a cure for all that ails you. But whether they're talking about a simple grace at dinnertime or some soul-searching meditation, couples routinely say that a shared spiritual life helps keep them close. And as Doug and Beth say, even couples who are on different sides of the theological fence can benefit from praying together daily.
"We have been married for seven years, but praying together is something we didn't start doing until about a year ago," says Doug, a 32-year-old Salt Lake City biochemist. "In the past, whenever we faced big decisions, we'd have discussion after discussion about them, but we'd never really come to a resolution."
"I soon found that praying together brings out a real sense of selflessness and humility," Doug says. "When you're praying for each other, not yourself, you're focused together and speaking from the heart on a whole different level. I would never have predicted this for us, but it really works."
"As bad as any problem may seem at that moment," agrees Beth, "prayer always helps us see beyond it. It doesn't have to be a long-drawn-out scripture reading, just a few minutes a day. When we pray, it brings another level of honesty to our conversations. I think it's the most intimate thing you can do with another person."
Now they pray together every night, once the "urchins" are in bed, which puts them in the company of the 32 percent of American married couples who say they pray together regularly. It also puts them in the company of Julie and Thom, when the other couple isn't holed up in their igloo, of course.
"It's pretty short and not at all scripted," says Julie about their giving thanks before each meal. "We just join hands and let it rip. Whether we're asking for forgiveness or giving thanks, saying it out loud holds a lot of power.
"Besides, regardless of religion or spiritual preference, I think that most marriages require a ton of faith," Julie sums up. "You've got to believe that somehow the two of you are going to make it through things. You've got to believe that you're being blessed with this person. And even if the power we feel just comes from the strength of our love, even if we don't believe that it's God who is helping us, I still think that it's good to acknowledge that there's a force between the two of us that's helping us out."
source: Personals on Yahoo!

Friday, January 16, 2009

How Birds Can Down a Jet Airplane

Tadi pagi dapet kabar, katanya ada pesawat jatuh pas take off dari LaGuardia Airport, New York. duh udah kaget aja. setelah dibilang gak ada korban, fiuh, lega hati. soalnya aku suka trauma sendiri kalo udh denger pesawat jatuh. mana jatuhnya ke Hudson River pula. langsung deh kebayang sama tragedi 1/1/07 nya Adam Air itu..

everybody harm or injury..penyebabnya hanya satu: BIRD!

yup..BIRD!! kenapa bisa seperti itu?!

well..karena mostly bandara di US kan selalu ada kali kecil atau saluran [di Soekarno Hatta jg ada kok] plus banyaknya spesies burung2 aneh yg nangkring di airport otomatis bikin bahaya airport tersebut karena sengaja atau tidak, burung2 tsb yg sering ada di airport selalu coba ngikutin pesawat2 yg lg take off..akibatnya ya fatal banget lah..burung kesedot sama turbin pesawat, mesin pesawat rusak..akhirnya terjadilah kecelakaan. thank God this time sepertinya memang pesawat tsb tidak ditakdirkan untuk rusak. meski begitu, ada kalanya waspada. artikel dibawah ini sengaja aku posting untuk kebaikan kita semua. sekaligus nambah pengetahuan.


Early reports suggest that a bird strike caused a jet plane to crash in the
Hudson River near Manhattan today, leaving questions about how a little flying
animal could down a big airliner.

More than 200 people have been killed
worldwide as a result of wildlife strikes with aircraft since 1988, according to
Bird Strike Committee USA, and more than 5,000 bird strikes were reported by the
U.S. Air Force in 2007. Bird strikes, or the collision of an aircraft
with an airborne bird, tend to happen when aircraft are close to the ground,
which means just before landing or after take-off, when jet engines are turning
at top speeds.

The incidents are serious particularly when the birds,
usually gulls, raptors and geese, are sucked into a jet engine and strike
an engine fan blade
. That impact displaces the blade such that it strikes
another blade and a cascade can occur, resulting in engine failure.

12-pound Canada goose striking an aircraft going 150 mph at lift-off generates
the force of a 1,000-pound weight dropped from a height of 10 feet, according to
Bird Strike Committee USA.

Today's incident, which occurred just after US
Airways flight 1549 (an Airbus 320) had taken off with more than 150 passengers
and crew members from LaGuardia Airport in New York, en route to Charlotte,
N.C., involved a flock of geese, according to CBS News. Reports indicate no
deaths or serious injuries as of this writing.

Large aircraft are certified
to be able to keep flying after impacting a 4-pound bird, however 36 species of birds
in North America
weigh more than this, according to the committee. Even
smaller birds, such as starlings, can cause engine failure.

The greater the
difference in the speed of the plane and the bird, the greater the force of the
impact on the aircraft. The weight of the bird is also a factor, but the speed
difference is a much bigger factor.

Flocks of birds are even more dangerous
as they can result in multiple strikes.
Delicate birds, delicate aircraft
Dale Oderman, associate professor of aviation technology at Purdue
University in Indiana says birds can be very dangerous to aircraft, particularly
in the first several thousand feet after take-off, where the birds are flying.

"Obviously, geese or another large bird would be much more hazardous than a
little black bird," Oderman said. "The speed at which the two are moving causes
the bird to get ingested into the engine. And the engine is very delicate to
withstanding a major impact."

He added: "It just shuts the engine down."

Basically, if the
get too close to the engine's intake, it's like a vacuum - the birds
just get sucked in.

"The initial stages of a jet engine are made up of a lot
of compressor blades. Those aren't very big and they can be very easily
damaged," Oderman told LiveScience. "Even if one of those things breaks off,
then the one blade will go through the rest of the engine and it's like shrapnel
to the engine."

And in the case of the Hudson River crash, the birds
apparently took out both engines.

"Apparently in this particular case it
seems both engines were hit. If it was a flock of birds they flew thought it
wouldn't be a surprise to me," Oderman said.

Airports, Oderman said, take
several precautions to keep planes safe from birds. For instance, they often
don't plant many trees nearby, as these are nesting areas for birds. Since La
Guardia is right on the water, he noted, there are a lot of water birds around.

Bird strike remains

Bird strikes are on the rise, according to the
committee. After a bird strike in the United States, the remains, called snarge,
are sent to the Smithsonian Institution's Feather Identification Laboratory to
identify the species, according to WikiPedia.

Bird and other wildlife
strikes to aircraft result in more than $600 million in damage a year, according
to Bird Strike Committee USA. Five jet airliners have had major accidents
involving bird strikes since 1975, the committee says. In one case, about three
dozen people died.

NASA worries about bird strikes, too.

During the July
2005 launch of Discovery on mission STS-114, a vulture soaring around the launch
pad impacted the shuttle's external tank just after liftoff. With a vulture's
average weight ranging from 3 to 5 pounds, a strike at a critical point on the
shuttle - like the nose or wing leading thermal protection panels - could cause
catastrophic damage to the vehicle.

NASA put safety
into place in 2005 to reduce the odds of bird strikes with the
shuttle. The agency particularly wants to avoid bird strikes to the shuttle's
fuel tank that could damage the heat shield during launch and landing.

instance, NASA has a special during launch countdown where they can stop to wait
for birds to pass. And during landing, NASA has a sound cannon that they fire to
make sure the runway is clear from birds to make sure shuttle isn't damaged
during landing.


source: Yahoo!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Worst Food in America

well..curhat di blog ditiadakan dulu nih..ada yg lebih penting as it really concerns about our health :)


Can an appetizer with the caloric equivalent of 13 Krispy Kreme doughnuts be justified? No. The 2,710-calorie Awesome Blossom has been purged from Chili's menu--maybe the fat-drenched appetizer couldn't withstand the scrutiny of being named to the Eat This, Not That! list of the Worst Foods in America last year. No matter the reason, we applaud this waist-expanding starter's retirement.
The deep-fried onion wasn't the only thing to withdraw from last year's race--more than 10 other items from 2008's lineup have been removed from menus (or mysteriously had their calorie counts lowered). That's a step in the right direction, and it's good news for your waistline.
The bad news? There are plenty of frightening foods still at large across the country. After another year of menu investigation, we’ve come up with this year's list of the most calorie-laden, fat-riddled, sodium-swaddled, sugar-spiked dishes in America. Eat at your own risk.
Worst "Healthy" SandwichBlimpie Veggie Supreme:
(12")1,106 calories, 56 g fat (33 g saturated fat), 2,831 mg sodium, 96 g carbohydrates
Sure, a Veggie Supreme sandwich sounds healthy, but this foot-long comes with three different kinds of cheese, and it’s drenched in oil. After Blimpie gets done with this vegetarian nightmare, you’d be better off consuming two Big Macs than sitting down with this sandwich.Don't be fooled by "healthy" foods—replace these 14 imposters with delicious alternatives that satisfy without expanding your waistline.
Worst Kids' MealChili’s Pepper Pals Country-Fried Chicken Crispers with Ranch Dressing and Homestyle Fries:
1,110 calories82 g fat (15 g saturated), 1,980 mg sodium, 56 g carbohydrates
Most kids, if given the choice, would live on chicken fingers for the duration of their adolescent lives. If those chicken fingers happened to come from Chili’s, it might be a shorter one. A moderately active 8-year-old boy should eat around 1,600 calories a day. This single meal plows through 75 percent of that allotment. So unless he plans to eat carrots and celery sticks for the rest of the day (and we know he doesn’t), find a healthier chicken alternative.See our rankings of kids' restaurants so you can help your children pick the best options every time.
Worst DessertRomano’s Macaroni Grill Dessert Ravioli:
1,630 calories, 74 g fat33 g saturated fat, 1,150 mg sodium, 223 g carbohydrates
Would you eat a Quarter Pounder for dessert? How about four? That’s how many it takes to match the calorie-load of this decadent dish. It’s the quickest way to ruin what may have been a sensible dinner. (Then again, if dinner was at Macaroni Grill, chances are it was anything but sensible.)
Worst BurgerChili’s Smokehouse Bacon Triple-The-Cheese Big Mouth Burger with Jalapeno Ranch Dressing:
2,040 calories, 150 g fat (53 g saturated), 110 g protein, 4,900 mg sodium
You know this burger's in trouble when it takes more than 20 syllables just to identify it. If you think the name’s a mouthful, just wait until the burger hits the table. You’ll be face-to-face with two-and-a-half days' worth of fat—a full third of which is saturated. To do that much damage with roasted sirloin, you’d have to eat about eight 6-ounce steaks. (It’s nearly three days’ worth of saturated fat.)Not all burgers are created equal. See if your favorite is a healthy indulgence or a grease slab on a bun.
Worst StarterUno Chicago Grill Pizza Skins (full order):
2,400 calories, 155 g fat (50 g saturated), 3,600 mg sodium
This appetizer is like eating a Large Domino’s Hand-Tossed Sausage Pizza! Would you ever think of saying to a waiter: “Why don’t you start me off with a large meat pizza?” If you’re ordering for a party of more than five, it might be OK, but for smaller groups, it's tilting toward gluttony gone wild. Order the Thai Vegetable Pot Stickers instead—the only item carrying fewer than 800 calories.If you want to eat a little something before your meal, be sure to avoid the worst appetizers in America.
The Worst Food of 2009:
Baskin Robbins Large Chocolate Oreo Shake:
2,600 calories, 135 g fat (59 g saturated fat, 2.5 g trans fats), 263 g sugars, 1,700 mg sodium
We didn’t think anything could be worse than Baskin Robbins' 2008 bombshell, the Heath Bar Shake. After all, it had more sugar (266 grams) than 20 bowls of Froot Loops, more calories (2,310) than 11 actual Heath Bars, and more ingredients (73) than you’ll find in most chemist labs. Rather than coming to their senses and removing it from the menu, they did themselves one worse and introduced this caloric catastrophe. It’s soiled with more than a day’s worth of calories and three days worth of saturated fat, and, worst of all, usually takes less than 10 minutes to sip through a straw.
conclusion: makanan sehat itu gak selalu identik dengan mahal dan serba 'veggie'..buktinya, makanan yg vegetarian pun bisa high-fat akibat penggunaan minyak yg banyak..salad dressing juga banyak tuh yg tinggi kolesterol [kecuali kalo memang mereka memakai minyak zaitun untuk dressing sih okelah]. intinya, makanlah makanan yang sehat. perbanyak sayuran juga keharusan. kurangi makan daging2an macam sapi, kambing, ayam tapi perbanyak daging2 ikan, terutama ikan air tawar. karena ikan mengandung Omega3 yang baik untuk pertumbuhan.
source: Health on Yahoo!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Blowing Snow and Frigid Temperatures hit USA

Ini memang gak terjadi di Indo tapi fyi, winter itu emang gak enak kok..ngerasain white Christmas sih emang paling t-o-p di western countries but believe me, seenak2nya negara orang, even in my ancestor's hometown: Beijing, masih enak di Indo lah...kalo Fall season sih bolehlah, secara fashion msh kepake...lah winter...hihi, mo gaya aja ribet banget. kalo inget winter merana jadi inget dulu pas jalan2 ke luar negeri during winter. busyet, 1 koper aja gak cukup buat 1 org...:P

MINNEAPOLIS – Arctic air extended its grip Wednesday with below-zero temperatures stretching from Montana to northern New England and frost nipping the Gulf Coast.

A few ski areas in Vermont and northern Minnesota closed for the day because of the cold — 38 below zero at International Falls, with the wind chill during the night estimated at 50 below.

The temperature at Bolton, Vt., was 10 below zero and operators of the Bolton Valley ski resort feared that skiers could freeze if a lift malfunctioned, said spokesman Josh Arneson. "Getting people off a lift can take time," he said.

Schools from Iowa to Pennsylvania opened late so kids would not have to be out in the coldest part of the morning. Some schools closed.

The cold wave also bulged into the Northeast, abruptly dropping temperatures in New York state into the single digits and below zero — after Tuesday's readings in the 30s, the National Weather Service said. Thermometers read 8 below at Massena, on the St. Lawrence River, with a wind chill of minus 25 degrees.


PS: di Jakarta juga udh mulai rainy season nih..huhu..udh harus stand-by dgn weather yg gak terlalu friendly ;)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

crush part III

ini nih..maksudku..

well..sebatas sih..gak sesempurna co2 lain.. tapi knp ya, attitudenya itu loh yg bkn 'ehem'..

oh my God..'G' bener2 bakal jealous nih...:P

Saturday, January 10, 2009

crush part II

phew..kenapa ya jadi suka senyam senyum sendiri?!? bingung...he3x...

asli deh, dulu kalo liat orang itu gak pernah terbesit dlm pikiran bakal kesengsem..

eh, gara2 nemenin Mom ntn di familyroom, duh kok aku bisa lgsg kaget begitu? kayak kesetrum apalah..hahaha..mukanya sih emg gak handsome2 amat tp yg bikin aku kesengsem, attitudenya itu loh. tau deh ini cuma sesaat atau selamanya..

duh, yg pasti, jgn sampe si 'G' tau deh..bisa2 dia

Friday, January 09, 2009

crush on someone

Hmm..mulai dari mana yah??ha3x...

bener2 lagi suka sama someone nih..tapi nun jauh disana..


semoga tambatan hatiku yg pernah support aku gak marah ya..please darling!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Late Victorian and Edwardian: Art Nouveau

This is such a magical era...I love it!

Don't you?
Must be interesting...=)

Sunday, January 04, 2009

thank God for this treasure

this thing of beauty, hmm, describes me not just a person but also, an enthusiast for films :)

it's Video and DVD Guide 2003 volume. this baby, I bought with my own money for around Rp 80.000,- or somethin back in 2003 few months before my 14th birthday. it has everything I need as an independent film critic. I could track back into movies that were made in the 1920s, 1930s..even silent movies! yep...beautiful right?!!! oh fortunate I am to have really enrich my knowledge.

as you can see right there, the book had turned somewhat 'ugly' because of the age..oh well..:P

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Hey everyone..
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009!!!'s been a LONG LONG TIME since my last post. hmm sebenernya sih gw demen bgt nge-post gtu cuma lately I haven't had time to check all my blogs, even I have to decrease my time to check on those Fb/Fs's pretty hard I guess..:P
well..okay, this is my first post on Jan 1st janji bakal lebih sering posting2 eventhough gak bakal dilirik or dimampirin..huehue..yg penting bs posting..ya ngak?? lol
kemaren ini br hbs lbrn di S'baya..duh cape bgt gw..yg pasti gw 'lmyn' senang dsana..hehe..ktmu mbak J pula..trs shopping sdkt lah dsana..yg pasti gw cinta 1/2 mati sama para butler2 gw yg sdh setia menemani gw selama 4 malam..melayani gw dgn penuh cinta [ceileh..] dan patience yg teramat I miss all my butlers and the staff @ Sheraton...
next holiday...mao lg deh ke S'baya..asal jgn nae pswt lg ah..repot ngapa2in nae taxi..males bgt rasanya..:(